The war on talent and job seeker's market can feel like a massive lie if you've found yourself unemployed for months while job searching. When nothing sticks, things can get very frustrating very quickly. But why aren't you able to gain traction in your job hunt? Here are ten reasons employers might pass you up.


You're Applying to the Wrong Jobs


Sometimes it starts with the application process. It's time to sit down and evaluate what kind of job you want and what skills you possess. Then make sure that the position matches your skills and background.


You're Not Customizing Your Cover Letter


Recruiters and hiring managers see so many resumes and cover letters each day. They have gotten quite good at spotting insincere cover letters that someone may have sent to every possible job opening. Make sure you're customizing it to fit the job you're applying for each time.


You're Not Optimizing Your Resume for ATS


Most companies use an applicant tracking system to assist with the hiring process. ATS uses keywords to discover resumes that are a match for the job. Make sure it's formatted without tables or columns, use a traditional font, and include keywords that fit the jobs you want.


You're Not Demonstrating Excitement


Attitude can make all the difference. If you're coming across negatively or even ambivalent, a company will likely move on to a more engaged candidate. Let the employer know that you're excited about the opportunity.


You're Too Passive


Companies want to hire people willing to make decisions and take the initiative in the job. They can tell if you're too passive in the interview process; they might have more concerns about your ability to manage yourself on the job.


Your Expectations are Too High


While you should know your worth and ask for an appropriate salary, if your expectations don't align with the company's goals and budget, you may not find yourself receiving a job offer. Do your homework to make sure the job fits your expectations.


You're Not Networking Enough


Maybe you're not meeting the right people. Just sending your resume to online job postings isn't always the most efficient way to find a new job. Attend industry events, reach out to contacts on LinkedIn, and let friends and family know you're looking for work.


You're Not Nailing Your Interviews


Interviews can make anyone nervous, but that doesn't mean you can let that show. You want to ask good questions, answer questions positively, and focus on all aspects of communication, from the words you say to your body language.


You Don't Have the Right References


It might not be you at all that's causing the problem. It might be time to evaluate your references and update your list. Talk to former coworkers or managers who would be willing to share their positive experiences.


You're Not Following Up


They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sometimes you get passed up because you fell off their radar. While this shouldn't happen in a perfect world, hiring managers are human, just like everyone else. While you want to avoid harassing them, send a thank you note after the interview and follow up about a week later.


If you need extra support in your corner, connect with itec group today! We're ready to find you your next career opportunity!