s it ever okay to include your hobbies in a resume? The engineering industry expands across many fields, so there may be some overlap in your free-time activities. If you have some engineering-related hobbies, it could round out your resume and make you a more attractive and exciting candidate to employers. Here is what you might consider including. 

Product Design and Invention  


Do you like to tinker with things in your garage? Have you invented things like Arduino robots or programmed anything with Raspberry Pi? If you have done product designs or inventions in your spare time, these are well worth showcasing on your resume, especially if you can point in the direction of the product or concept in action.  

Engines or Motorized Vehicles 


Tinkering doesn't have to be about invention. Working with mechanical machines, like car engines or other motorized vehicles, can also give you skills that will benefit an engineering employer. Feel free to put your car enthusiast experience on your resume if you've worked with engines, assembling, or other aspects of automotive technology.  

Interest in Med Tech Advancements 


Med tech has also been a hobby that can lead to a career in engineering and advancements in the industry. One such example was a cyber security expert who wanted to see if the insulin pump he was using was safe. He was able to hack into his own device and took this experience to conferences, eventually improving the security of these kinds of medical devices. Something like that is a great resume builder.  

Computer Programming and Languages 


Or maybe you love to geek out on computer programming or learn coding languages. If you've learned to work with computers, maybe to design a game or play around with websites, it can be a great introduction to your skills to include it as a hobby on your resume.  

If you're looking for ways to stand out against your engineering competition, these are a few jumping-off points! For help finding your next engineering role, turn to itec group